list_packages – The list packages module lists package information in Endevor


The list packages module lists package information in Endevor.


package (type: str)

Name of the Endevor package.

status (type: str)

Specify the status of the packages. Valid values are [APPROVED, EXECFAILED] for execute action, and additional values [INEDIT, INAPPROVAL, INEXECUTION, EXECUTED, COMMITTED, DENIED] for list action, additional value [ALLSTATE] for delete action.

It is possible to specify multiple status separated by “,” during list and delete package.










emergency_package (type: bool)

Specify if the package should be an emergency package. When not specified, the package is a standard package.

enterprise (type: str)

Specify to filter the list by enterprise Package parameter. A - All, E - Enterprise, X - eXclude.

  • A

  • E

  • X

promotion_status (type: str)

Specify to filter the list by promotion Package parameter. A - All, P - Promotion, X - eXclude.

  • A

  • P

  • X

prom_target_env (type: str)

Promotion target environment. Specifies the promotion package target environment. This field only applies to promotion packages and can only be specified when the promotion package type is A or P.

prom_target_stgID (type: str)

Promotion target stage ID. Specifies the promotion package target stage ID. This field only applies to promotion packages and can only be specified when the promotion package type is A or P.

approver (type: str)

Specifies a one to eight character approver ID. Only one approver ID can be specified and name masking is not supported.

maxrc (type: int, default: 8)

The maximum value of the return code of a successful action. When the return code is greater than the maxrc value, the module fails.

host (type: str)

Specifies the base host name.

port (type: str)

Specifies the port number.

instance (type: str)

Specifies Endevor Web Services dataSource name.

protocol (type: str, default: https)

Specifies the protocol used for connecting to Endevor Rest API.

  • http

  • https

user (type: str)

Specifies the user name.

password (type: str)

Specifies the user’s password.

reject_unauthorized (type: bool)

Specify this option to have the server certificate verified against the list of supplied CAs.

base_path (type: str)

Specifies the base path used for connecting to Endevor Rest API.

suppress_messages (type: bool)

Suppress all [INFO]/[WARN] messages from terminal output.

report_file (type: str)

File name for saving reports from Endevor SCM locally.

report_dir (type: str)

Directory for saving reports from Endevor SCM locally, if wasn’t specified. Defaults to current directory.

write_report (type: bool)

Write the endevor reports to a file. By default, when return code is 0, no report will be written, unless this option is specified. When return code is bigger than 0, reports will be written to a file, unless this option is specifed to be false.

full_output (type: bool)

Specify this option if you want a full output of list action.

asynchronous (type: bool)

Submit this module as an asynchronous Endevor Web Services task.

cert_file (type: path)

The file path to a certificate file to use for authentication.

Note: The CLI does not support certificate files that require a password. For more information, search Troubleshooting PEM Certificates in Zowe Docs.

cert_key_file (type: path)

The file path to a certificate key file to use for authentication.

response_format_filter (type: list)

Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction with ‘–response-format-type’ to reduce the output of a module to a single field/property or a list of a single field/property.

response_format_type (type: str)

The module response output format type. Must be one of the following:

table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a column in the table.

list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type (JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry in an array.

object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object). Can be used in place of “table” to change from tabular output to a list of prettified objects.

string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.

  • table

  • list

  • object

  • string

response_format_header (type: bool)

If “–response-format-type table” is specified, include the column headers in the output.


- name: List all packages in Endevor with endevor profile set up
    instance: ENDEVOR

Return Values

data (type: list, when returned data is a dictionary)

Data from the module execution (a data structure). The items of this dict are set as individual return values on the top level as well.

error (type: complex, error)

More details about why the action has failed. If the failure is when calling an API service, the response contains the connection parameters.

additional_details (type: str)

Detailed message about the failure.

msg (type: str)

Short description of the result or failure.

request (type: str, API request failed)

HTTP method used to invoke API service request.

resource (type: str, API request failed)

URI of the resource of the API service request.

failed (type: bool, always)

A boolean that indicates if the task was failed or not.

list (type: list, when returned data is a list)

Data from the module execution (a list of data structures).

msg (type: str, sometimes)

Short description of the result or failure.

rc (type: int, always)

Exit code of the module, successful exit code is 0, failure is typically 1 or higher.

stderr (type: str, error)

Details of the error.

stdout (type: str, success)

Summary of the result.


  • This module is maintained by Broadcom.