Using collections

Now that you have read the installation guide and installed one or more Broadcom Ansible Collections for Mainframe on a control node, you are ready to learn how Ansible works and how to use Broadcom Ansible Collections for Mainframe with your mainframe systems.

A basic Ansible command or playbook:

  • selects managed nodes or “hosts” to execute against from inventory

  • connects to those hosts (in our case mainframe systems), usually over SSH or REST APIs

  • starts execution of the modules used in the playbook

Ansible can do much more, but you should understand the most common use case before exploring all the powerful features of Ansible. This page illustrates the basic process with a simple inventory and a simple playbook. Once you understand how it works, you can read more details about organizing your systems with inventory, and more features of Ansible playbooks.

Selecting systems from inventory

Ansible gets information about which systems you want to manage from your inventory. You need inventory to take advantage of the full flexibility and repeatability of Ansible.

Action: create a basic inventory

For this basic inventory, edit (or create) /etc/ansible/hosts and add a mainframe systems to it. For this example, use either IP addresses or FQDNs (fully qualified domain names):

      ansible_user: "<z/OS user ID>"
          port: 6032

This is inventory is YAML format. YAML format is easier to use for inventories that need to add variables to the systems. is the hostname of a mainframe system.

Ansible uses SSH and connects to remote machines using your current user name, just as SSH does. For mainframe systems, you will typically use a different user ID, so we need to specify it using:

ansible_user: "<z/OS user ID>"

Broadcom Ansible Collections for Mainframe connect to mainframe services using REST APIs running on the system. This requires to provide the connection port. In the example, we will connect to Endevor REST API that is listening on HTTPS port 6032 of the system:

    port: 6032

If you are not sure what is the correct port, consult your system programmer.

Beyond the basics

Your inventory can store much more. You can create aliases, set variable values for a single host with host vars, or set variable values for multiple hosts with group vars. Variables are typically used for connection parameters of Broadcom API services and will cover multiple ways how they can be defined in the Connection methods and details page. In this example, we have not defined password to the z/OS system so Ansible will prompt for it. The Connection methods and details page describes possible ways how to authenticate to z/OS with Ansible and Broadcom Ansible Collections for Mainframe.

Executing modules

Action: Run your first playbook

Playbooks are used to pull together tasks into reusable units.

Ansible does not store playbooks for you; they are simply YAML documents that you store and manage, passing them to Ansible to run as needed.

In the following example, we will use Endevor collection. But you can replace it with other Broadcom product that you use.

In a directory of your choice you can create your first playbook in a file called endevor.yaml:

- name: Sample playbook with a simple Endevor task
  gather_facts: false
  - name: List all environments in Endevor SCM
      instance: ENDEVOR
    register: environments
  - name: Print environments
      var: environments.list


gather_facts: false is used to disable gathering facts from the z/OS system. In such case, Ansible does not need to connect to the system using SSH and it uses only Endevor REST API.

You can run this command as follows:

$ ansible-playbook --ask-pass endevor.yaml

and may see output like this:

SSH password:

PLAY [Sample playbook with a simple Endevor task] ****************************************************************

TASK [List all environments in Endevor SCM] **********************************************************************
ok: []

TASK [Print environments] ****************************************************************************************
ok: [] => {
    "environments.list": [
            "db_brg_act": false,
            "db_brg_av": false,
            "db_brg_opt1": false,
            "db_brg_opt2": false,
            "db_brg_opt3": false,
            "db_brg_opt4": false,
            "env_name": "DEV",
            "next_env": "QA",
            "rsec": null,
            "site_id": "0",
            "smf_act": true,
            "smf_env": false,
            "smf_sec": false,
            "sync_loc": true,
            "title": "TEST DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT",
            "usec": null

PLAY RECAP *******************************************************************************************************      : ok=2    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0

Congratulations! You have contacted your mainframe using Ansible. You used a basic inventory file and executed a simple playbook that listed available Endevor environments.

See also

Intro to playbooks

Learn how to write playbooks

Connection methods and details

Learn how to expand and refine the connection methods and how to specify connection parameters for Broadcom API services

How to build your inventory

More information about Ansible inventory

YAML Syntax

Learn about YAML syntax

Tips and tricks

Tips for managing playbooks in the real world