Use the Endevor Bridge for Git plug-in to manage your Git-Endevor mappings and build your local Git changes before synchronizing them to Endevor.
Compatible with Zowe CLI Plugin version: 2.6.0
For more information, see the Contents section.
- branch_add – Add a branch to an existing mapping
- branch_delete – Remove a branch from an existing mapping
- branch_list – List the branches of an existing mapping
- build_execute – Build changes from Git local repository in Endevor
- build_job_report – Get report of build job. [step 2]
- build_job_submit – Submit build job. [step 1]
- endevor_connection_create – Create new Endevor connection
- endevor_connection_delete – Delete existing Endevor connection
- endevor_connection_list – List Endevor connections
- endevor_connection_rename – Rename existing Endevor connection
- endevor_connection_update_credentials – Update your Endevor credentials for the Endevor connection
- local_hook_token_generate – Generate a new token
- local_hook_token_list – List your local hook token
- local_hook_token_revoke – Revoke your local hook token
- mapping_add_element – Add an element from up the map in your Endevor to your Git repository
- mapping_create – Create a Git-Endevor mapping
- mapping_delete – Delete a Git-Endevor mapping
- mapping_list – List Git-Endevor mappings
- processor_group_list – List Processor Groups
- processor_group_update – Update the processor group of an element
- processor_group_update_all – Update the processor group of all changed elements
- work_area_list – List Endevor work areas
- work_area_reserve – Reserve work area in Endevor
- work_area_unreserve – Unreserve an Endevor work area