issue_dcmt_help – DCMT HELP command


Execute a DCMT HELP command.


host (type: str)

Host name of the IDMS REST API service.

port (type: int)

Port for the IDMS REST API service.

user (type: str)

Mainframe user name, which can be the same as your TSO login ID.

password (type: str)

Mainframe password, which can be the same as your TSO password.

reject_unauthorized (type: bool, default: True)

Reject self-signed certificates.

base_path (type: str)

The base path for your Zowe API Mediation Layer instance. Specify this option to prepend the base path to all resources when making REST requests. Only specify this option if you are using an Zowe API Mediation Layer.

datasource (type: str)

Identifies the IDMS system where the API request will be sent and is defined in the data sources definition file for the IDMS REST API.

args (type: str)

DCMT HELP command arguments.

broadcast (type: str)

Broadcast parameters used if the system is part of a data sharing group.

cert_file (type: path)

The file path to a certificate file to use for authentication.

Note: The CLI does not support certificate files that require a password. For more information, search Troubleshooting PEM Certificates in Zowe Docs.

cert_key_file (type: path)

The file path to a certificate key file to use for authentication.

response_format_filter (type: list)

Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction with ‘–response-format-type’ to reduce the output of a command to a single field/property or a list of a single field/property.

response_format_type (type: str)

The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:

table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a column in the table.

list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type (JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry in an array.

object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object). Can be used in place of “table” to change from tabular output to a list of prettified objects.

string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.

  • table

  • list

  • object

  • string

response_format_header (type: bool)

If “–response-format-type table” is specified, include the column headers in the output.


- name: Issues a 'dcmt help' command to display a summary of the syntax for DCMT commands

- name: Issues a 'dcmt help task' command with a data source to override the default
    datasource: sysdemo
    args: task

Return Values

data (type: list, when returned data is a dictionary)

Data from the module execution (a data structure). The items of this dict are set as individual return values on the top level as well.

error (type: complex, error)

More details about why the action has failed. If the failure is when calling an API service, the response contains the connection parameters.

additional_details (type: str)

Detailed message about the failure.

msg (type: str)

Short description of the result or failure.

request (type: str, API request failed)

HTTP method used to invoke API service request.

resource (type: str, API request failed)

URI of the resource of the API service request.

failed (type: bool, always)

A boolean that indicates if the task was failed or not.

list (type: list, when returned data is a list)

Data from the module execution (a list of data structures).

msg (type: str, sometimes)

Short description of the result or failure.

rc (type: int, always)

Exit code of the module, successful exit code is 0, failure is typically 1 or higher.

stderr (type: str, error)

Details of the error.

stdout (type: str, success)

Summary of the result.


  • This module is maintained by Broadcom.